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How to Opt-Out of AI on ALL Platforms

Whether you like it or not, many large platforms have begun to use your information to train their AI bots. Not only that, but they have done so without warning you, and everything from your text to your images can be used.

If you use any of the popular platforms, then it is time for you to take the time to opt out of AI. Not only will this protect your creative products, but it will also let these large companies know that you are saying no to them using you to train their AI. Keep reading to learn more.

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How to Opt-Out of AI on Instagram

Instagram has announced that it will use your images and captions to train its AI. Here is how you opt-out.

Step 1: Go to your profile.

Step 2: Tap on the three lines in the upper right-hand corner.

Step 3: Tap on ‘Settings and Privacy.’

Step 4: Scroll down and tap ‘About.’

Step 5: Tap on ‘Privacy Policy.’

Step 6: Click ‘Right to Object.’

Step 7: Scroll down, fill out the form, and click ‘Submit.’

Now, if you live in the EU, you don’t have to do this as your rights are already protected by the GDPR, but if you live anywhere else unless you object, your information and images will be used to train AI.

As you complete the submission, you have to put a reason for your objection. Below are all the reasons that have been upheld, and if Instagram denies them, you can fight in court.

·      You are a writer/author/editor, and all of your work is protected by your local copyright laws.

·      You are an artist (music, photography, painting, etc.), and you have copyright rights to your work.

·      You are a business owner, and you have trademarked or copyrighted any aspect of your business.

Of course, there are likely other reasons; however, these are the easiest ones you can get approved for as the law is on your side. If, for any reason, your objection is rejected by Meta, file a complaint with the ICO.

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How to Opt-Out of AI on Facebook

Facebook is another area where Meta is pulling data for AI training. Here is how you opt-out.

Step 1: Open the Facebook app.

Step 2: Tap your profile picture in the bottom right-hand corner.

Step 3: Scroll down to ‘Settings and Privacy.’

Step 4: Tap ‘Settings.’

Step 5: Scroll down and click on ‘Privacy Policy.’

Step 6: Find the section that says, ‘Learn more about your right to object,’ and click on it.

Step 7: Fill out the form and submit it.

Remember, you must have a reason for your objection. Below are some of the reasons that have been upheld in submitted opt-out requests.

·      Your work(writing/art) is copyrighted, and you or someone else owns the copyright.

·      You believe AI will spread misinformation, which you are against.

·      You believe your data rights are being violated.

If your objection is denied, you can file with the ICO if you believe your data rights are being violated.

Remember, just because you opt-out doesn’t mean everyone will. Be careful when collaborating on these platforms and ask anyone you work with regularly to opt out of AI-training to protect both of your rights to your work.

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How to Opt-Out of AI on WhatsApp

Unfortunately, WhatsApp is another app owned by Meta, which has recently introduced AI. While they aren’t using your information here for training, it is a pesky feature for most people, so here is how you shut off AI in WhatsApp.

Step 1: Open WhatsApp.

Step 2: Click ‘Settings.’

Step 3: Scroll down and select ‘Chats.’

Step 4: You should see an option for ‘Show Meta AI Button,’ which you can deselect.

Then refresh your app, and just like that, no more Meta AI in your WhatsApp.

For some people, this option doesn’t seem to be available. If this is the case, do the following steps:

Step 5: Click the arrow in the upper lefthand corner to go back to the previous page.

Step 6: Scroll down and click ‘Help.’

Step 7: Click ‘Help Center.’

Step 8: Scroll down and select ‘Contact Support.’  

Step 9: Fill out a message asking support to remove Meta AI from your app. They should listen and remove the AI option from your app.

Why You Have to Opt-Out of AI

As you can see, there are quite a few hoops to jump through to remove AI from your various social media apps. This is something that is unique to Meta. The other large companies which are using AI, which is Google and Microsoft, actually require customers to opt in rather than applying it across the board and requiring people to opt-out.

Of course, Meta auto-enrolled everyone in AI because they knew that people wouldn’t opt-in otherwise. AI is a hot topic, and most people are against its development as they watch it taking jobs and producing less-than-stellar content. So, if you are on the fence about whether or not to opt-out, we highly suggest you do.

While it is always your choice where to use AI or allow other platforms to use your information for AI, remember that there is no going back. Once your information has been used to train AI, you can’t make AI forget it. For this reason, everyone should opt-out, as you can always opt in later, but there is no way to undo what has already been done.

Even if you are finding this a few months from now, it is always worth it to opt out, even if AI has already taken some of your information. After all, you never know when you might discover something truly groundbreaking that AI will learn in 5 seconds.

Overall, we hope you have found this article helpful and are able to opt out of the AI on Meta before it is too late.

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Ai | Opt out of ai | Instagram | Facebook | Meta | Whatsapp | No ai

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